March 18, 2004


"Public Good Before Private Advantage"

1) A Birmingham News Report On Alabama's Mussels and Snails
2) Nature Conservancy Protects 105 Acres Near the Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge
3) Huntsville Adopts New Revised Tree Ordinance
4) Smart Growth Legislation Passes House
5) BEN Notes:
Smart Growth for Coastal Alabama, Spring Burst 2004, "Got Mercury" online Calculator, Grow Alabama Website, AWF Conservation Awards, Correction: Portico Magazine Website


BEN Publisher Pat Byington has written an opinion piece on the Alabama Environmental Management Commission's new strategic plan. The op-ed has appeared in the Birmingham News and Mobile Register.  Check it out.


1. A Birmingham News Report On Alabama's Mussels and Snails - This past Sunday, the Birmingham News published on its front page "Saving the Shell Game - Hope Lives For State's Delicate River Dwellers."  The two page story, written by News environment writer Katherine Bouma documents the struggle to restore Alabama's mussel and snail populations. 

Here are some of the story's findings.

61% of the nation's mussels live in Alabama
43% of the nation's snails live in Alabama
356 - Number of mussel and freshwater snail species historically found in Alabama
233 - Number of Alabama's mussel species that are imperiled
76 - Number of Alabama's freshwater snails and mussels that are extinct
79 - Number of mussel species historically found in the Tennessee River at Muscle Shoals
38 - Number of mussel species found at Muscle Shoals after dams were built
49 - Number of mussel and snail species extinguished when the Coosa River was dammed

To read the entire Birmingham News story, visit their website at

2. Nature Conservancy Protects 105 Acres Near the Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge - An important 105 acre inholding connected to the Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge has been purchased by the Nature Conservancy of Alabama.

The 105 acre stretch of coastal marshland and maritime forest includes frontage on the fast developing Oyster Bay.  The tract is part of the Fort Morgan peninsula, which is a critical habitat for the imperiled gopher tortoise and many birds, including more than 80 species of neotropical migratory birds.

For more information about this project, contact the Nature Conservancy at 205-251-1155.

3. Huntsville Adopts New Revised Tree Ordinance - Last month, the Huntsville City Council passed one of Alabama's most progressive tree ordinances. In cooperation with the Huntsville Tree Commission the ordinance addresses some of the following issues:

To learn more about this new ordinance, contact Chuck Weber at

4. Smart Growth Legislation Passes House - Two smart growth bills passed the Alabama House last week.

House Bill 309, sponsored by Rep. Bill Dukes, makes long overdue technical improvements to the state's municipal planning code.  House Bill 116, sponsored by Rep. Terry Spicer, supports the cleanup and development of old industrial sites.  "Both (bills) are considered smart growth initiatives as they encourage economic development while protecting the special places that Alabamians have come to love and appreciate, " said Pete Conroy, Chair of House Speaker Seth Hammett's Smart Growth Working Group.

"It's described differently as smart growth, sustainable development and long range planning, but most call this week's actions taken by the Alabama House of Representatives as nothing more than good old fashioned common sense, " stated Speaker Hammett.

To learn more about the Smart Growth Working Group, contact Pete Conroy at 256-782-5681.

5. BEN Notes: Smart Growth for Coastal Alabama, Spring Burst 2004, "Got Mercury" online Calculator, Grow Alabama Website, AWF Conservation Awards, Correction: Portico Magazine Website

Smart Growth for Coastal Alabama - The Mobile Bay National Estuary Program will be holding the next big Smart Growth Conference this spring on March 25th from 9:30 to 4:30 at the Mobile Convention Center.  National speakers include Dana Beach, who wrote the Pew Ocean Report on Coastal Sprawl, Trip Pollard, with the Southern Environmental Law Center, Bob McNamara with the National Association of Realtors, Jeff Speck, Urban Planner and Ron Utt of the Heritage Foundation. 

Contact Debbie Jones at the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program to register - 251-431-6409 or go to

Spring Burst 2004 - The Land Trust of Huntsville and North Alabama has released it's "Spring Burst" 2004 Hike Schedule.  The first hike is slated for March 28th at 2 p.m.  the "Wildflower Trail Revealed."  For a complete schedule and directions, call the Land Trust at 256-534-5263 or visit

"Got Mercury" online Calculator - The Sea Turtle Restoration Project has released an easy to use online seafood mercury calculator  to help consumers make informed choices about their seafood consumption.  The calculator allows consumers to calculate what their blood mercury levels would be from eating mercury contaminated seafood and compare it to values that are considered safe by the EPA and the Food and Drug Administration.

Grow Alabama Website - Want to find organic vegetables in Alabama?  Check out Jerry Spencer's new website -

AWF Conservation Awards - The Alabama Wildlife Federation is seeking nominations for their 2004 Governor's Conservation Achievement Awards.  For additional information and forms, call - 1-800-822-9453 or visit their website at  The deadline for nominations is May 3, 2004.

Correction: Portico Magazine Website - We incorrectly published Portico magazine's website last week.  The website is